About me

September 11, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

About me blog
I decided that a few blogs never hurt anybody. I have never really had a diary or was one to write a paper outside of school and work. I am doing the first one about me which is a harder topic for me to write about; however, i want to have a good introduction for everyone.

My name is Crystol Allison and yes my first name is with an 'O'. In about fifth grade i actually had teachers that thought i still did not know how to spell my name. I was always the health problem child growing up. If i was not falling and hurting myself i was sick and waiting in the ER room on the military base.  This would include urinary track infection, strep-throat, tonsillitis, ear aches, sinus infections, and i am sure the list goes on a little more. I have had my kidney, tonsils, and adenoids removed along with tubs in my ears. I have been very fortunate that after all this as a child i am pretty healthy today.

I grew up as a military brat as my dad served in the Air Force for twenty years. He retired in 2008 as a Senior Master Sargent. Growing up in the military my family did move around a lot. I was born in Clovis, New Mexico; we then moved to Aviano, Italy until i was about four or five; from there we moved to Lakeland, Georgia until I was about 10; then we moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where my dad retired and my family has lived since. I have a little brother that i adore dearly! His name is Darin and we share the same birthday of September 26th. He was born in 1987 and i was born in 1985. Him and i were not always close growing up but I have always enjoyed sharing my birthday with him. i say my birthday because i was born first (haha!). Still today, i try my hardest to celebrate our birthday together. I love him so much and want nothing but the best in life for.

In the summers my parents would send me or me and my brother to Ohio. This was always a great time and i still hold amazing memories of staying at my Aunt Crystol's house and seeing my dad's side of the family all summer. We were spoiled and always went to theme parks, zoos, or just had fun with all my cousins. Anything my aunt planned for us she always took pictures where ever we went no matter what we are doing. I am so thankful these moments were captured and i can look back on them today. This is where my love for taking pictures started.

I started working my senior year i high school at Taco Bell. I loved this job but had a huge advantage because one of my good friends dads was general manager and i was able to work work with some of my closest friends. I tried out working at a truck stop during the graveyard shift. This was my least favorite job. I started working for MGM Resorts International in 2005 and still work there today. I absolutely LOVE what i currently so there The only complaint really is sitting way too much. In February of 2008, i bought my first town house and also started my bachelors degree. I had fun during this time of my life; i worked out, partied, and worked. When i went out with my friends we were always taking pictures and i love looking back on these still today. On November 20, 2009 my life change and i had my handsome little boy. My obsession for taking pictures took off and i am always taking pictures of him. In 2012 i graduated with my bachelors. I took a four month break and went back for my masters September 2012 and graduated in 2014. This about the time i decided i want to help others capture precious moments.

I have a few friends that enjoyed taking pictures that i followed for some time. Each one captured amazing moments and they were so different from one another. With all my education, knowledge, love for technology, and capturing moments i decided to start up Perfect Imagination Photography LLC. My vision is to help others captured moments for them to treasure for years to come. I don't have to many limits to what i like to capture. I love taking pictures of children's birthday parties, kids at play, location portraits, studio portraits, boudoir portraits. Even though my business is new i have been taking picture for years.

This concludes my about me blog. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I am looking forward to my photography adventure.


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